The first thing Jasmine made was a diorama of a lion's habitat while Mikey made dinner for all his puffles in his tent.
Jazzy crafting:
Mikey being crazy:
Jazzy crafting:
Mikey being crazy:
I was really impressed with how well her diorama turned out. That girl has mad skillz.
It was a project to earn a girl scout badge and you had to make a habitat including food and water. So she put a zebra in for food. That girl kills me.
On Sunday it was raining pretty hard all day so we stayed inside and played Uno and Parcheesi all morning.
Aren't they just the cutest? It's 11am and they are still wearing their pajamas.
Here they are at 3pm painting their bird and butterfly houses in their pajamas.
I love watching Jasmine work. She is so serious and really takes a lot of time working on things. Mikey is more of a fly by the seat of your pants crafter. It's more about how fast you can do it than how it looks when it is done. He did do a pretty awesome job on his though. He painted his puffles on the side of his house.
If you don't know what a puffle is, it looks like this:
And Katie and Jesse bought Mikey a new puffle on Saturday so he was pretty stoked at how many he had. I think he did a pretty awesome job capturing them in his paintings.
I really liked how Jasmine birdhouse turned out too. Those kids are awesome.
I'm just going to start posting photos because they are so cute.
Then we tyedyed some new clothes. I forgot to take photos because tyedyeing by yourself with two small children can be really stressful. I did remember at the end of the day, but then I forgot to take photos of the completed work, but it was really fun and the kids did awesome.
Alright, that's all I got right now. I'll try and do better about writing. I've just been so busy lately!! I did start a new craft project though and I'm totally loving it, so hopefully I will share soon!!
Are those underwear being tye-dyed? Yes, those kids are great. But boy howdy they wear you out.
Awesome, completely awesome post! Those kids are fabulous-o.
I agree with Katie though. I got worn out just READING about all the stuff they did!
I just love the pictures you take. Jazzy must get her craftyness from you......
Plus, I love the dieing plant we have in the corner of our dining room. I should just put it out of it's misery.
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